Monday, December 12, 2011

Cloud Gate

A prompt on a black screen to evoke a link , thus the story started of the mother of networks INTERNET. Till today we do the same thing. Light the fire enjoy the meal. Click a link and access the information.

A small lab with few terminals talking to each other , on black screen prompt. Then there was gui's (Graphical User Interface) to communicate between client and servers - I prefer to call them INTRANET ( 'A' is Personal - age old ownership issue).

Dawn of Global Travel Age brought challenges which compelled organizations, to break the narrow confines of ownership, restricted to geographies. Thus arrived the mighty 'E' Era. And Ms (Microsoft) was at the forefront with brilliant leaders at the helm to be the GateWay to this mighty network with 'IE' Internet Explorer.

Germinating the concept of real time cloud - Netscape appeared on the horizon with Thick Interface to INTERNET. We all know how monopoly may suppress ideas for some moments.

Then arrived Professor Google to take on MS but as if it was not enough Mr Apple played the I - card (Iphone, Ipad etc). Connection points or Gateways to Virtual world long dominated by MS - IE slowly gave way to Chrome,Mozilla,Safari ...

As I write this 'E' Era gateways are slowly giving way to 'M' Era -- So M-Apps are the Cloud Gates.