Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Technology for Masses – PACS on WWW

“Problem diagnosed correctly is precursor to getting the right treatment/cure/solution”

Statement holds ground in every aspect. It is a matter of life and death when a disease has to be confronted i.e. to be correctly diagnosed.

We often come across situations “if only we had diagnosed it earlier, the situation would have been in our control”.

Scarcity of Experts seems the reason for this. But with technology innovation we have options. “Enabling Virtual Presence of Experts

Medical Imaging is the eyes of Doctor. Radiology labs can take these images. Interpretation and Diagnosis is where the experts move into the scenario. These images should be accessible to the experts.

World Wide Web (WWW) is the global infrastructure which can enable this accessibility. So these images should be accessible on any device which can connect to the www – Mobile, Tablet PC, Laptops, Desktops ……

PACS (Picture archiving and communication system) on World Wide Web is ready to Bridge the Expertise Scarcity Gap.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Imagine every human being owns a personal airport near their house or a reserve lane from their house to office. Are we talking of infinite resources at our disposal? But this is far away from reality. Human intelligence in material affairs is very practical, thus we have international airports and national highways and roads being utilized and reutilized on need basis. Thus an international airport can cater to millions and similarly a four-lane highway is utilized by millions.

Nonetheless Information Age has dramatically changed human lifestyle, both in personal and professional subjects - "It has transformed the way we think, govern and perceive human interactions".

Digitization is “ever-evolving” continuum of technology. Despite of tremendous advancement in information technology, it has yet to catch up with pace of basic human needs; Even today, world of information technology is full of architectures of personal airports and personal lanes resulting in - resource crunch and cost overruns!

Era for Global Information Platforms (GIP) is ripe: Conformed Human needs across the Globe, are driving factors for advent of GIP's. Practicality of material world is greatly pursued by digital world here and GIP needs to comply with specific parameters termed as “GIP Params”.

Herein Global Information Platform Params (GIPP) ::

1. RTS (Response Time Signature)

2. IE (Interface Ergonomics)

3. GA (Global Availability)

4. DOP (Degree of Perfection)

5. SE (Scale Elastic)

6. LT Cognitive (Language & Time Cognitive): Globalization Compliance

Architectural Paradigm Shift for making GIP's a reality ::

(Session is a private airport/private lane. Pooling is close to private airport/private lane pooling. Scaling an application of this architecture is matter of brute force rather then applied intelligence. Soon this approach makes GIP ROI turn negative.) -Scaling GIP'S to cater to millions with positive ROI needs Particulation of Session.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

XML, A Universal Protocol of Information Highways!

Species with intelligence evolve on the backbone of effective communication and we are witnessing the dawn of global presence of humanity on the omnipresent platform of internet. We team up by exchanging data thru common translating protocol to synergize seamless integration amongst independent systems. Information age data exchange is the function of delivery protocol – XML; XML forms the basis of data flow on information highways, which can be deciphered by the intended audience.

So let’s see this in action, any page we visit on internet highway is an html page and html page is a markup language translated by browsers. Age of windows has made things easy for us, obscuring the configuration behind the scene. Every program is a logic; environment of this logic always comes from a markup document, globally known as configuration, which facilitates dynamic control over appliance behavior . This is evident to anybody who has worked with UNIX machines.

SOA is in vogue and overused jargon of IT professionals though fundamentally it joins the ends (bridge the services); is it XML? “A Service is a specialized process, which can accept defined input to produce a definite output”. Services integrate to produce business support system to optimize operational processes; In turn the glue for orchestrating these services is XML.

Global Application glorified as Cloud Computing, needs reinvention of good old days mainframes but with spiral up thought process; No more dumb terminals but intelligent interfaces termed as BROWSERS. Technology innovation tickles; how XML fits in this mega gimmick of basic need of the information age? Yes, here is the thread for the next breakthrough of the APPLIED COMPUTING.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Total Technology

Businesses are applying latest technologies and process techniques to strengthen business efficiency. Total Technology talks about comprehensive technical application for turning dreams into reality and accomplishing the VISION of the Organization. Narrow boundaries of our thought processes have created islands of technology application in all solution implementation and the realization of our folly is evident in the integration challenges Organizations face today. So, today when agility is must for business survival and technical rigidity become bottleneck to derive need base solution Total Technology eases full spectrum of solutions.

‘TOTAL TECHNOLOGY is a thought process to apply technology into business process guided by VISION of the Organization’

Architecting involves action in three distinct Layers of Perception.

  • CONCEPTUAL - Designs/Blueprints are conceived and visualized in this layer.
  • LOGICAL –Process Flows are crafted in this layer
  • PHYSICAL- Manifestation of the architecture occurs in this layer

Dependency between moving parts are the seeds of rigidity in any system. Thus Moving parts should have independent existence with end points which allows interdependencies. These should be conceived in Conceptual Layer and reinforced in Logical Layer and should be supported in Physical Layer.

An analogy for the Total Technology derives from nature itself as the nature composites’ elements to form compounds and these compounds are arranged in various permutation and combinations to produce plethora of materials around us. Living organisms are result of this orchestration.

Total Technology promises to…

  • Broader framework of technical standards
  • Interoperability of technological components
  • Wide adaptability spectrum
  • Agnostic layers of operations
  • Auto sustainable systems
  • Evolving In Tandem With Environment

Attributes of Total Technology are..

  • Unicode communication across Layers
  • Reusability as basis of Building Services
  • Services treated as Black Box with definite Input and Output
  • Coordination between services using conformed Metadata Framework
  • Thresholds of SLA’s providing for alternative course of action
  • Balancing granularity and coarseness of the range of activity in a Service/Part